
The team of conservator Bettina Boutens working on paintings of Philippe Vandenberg, 2017. © Joke Floreal

Philippe Vandenberg left an oeuvre that stands out in its size and diversity. Both in terms of visual language and themes interpreted, as in the materials and techniques employed, her multitude and variety is exceptional. The conservation program of the Foundation meets this diversity with a customized but equally varied arsenal of conservation methods.

A first initiative within the conservation of the oeuvre of Vandenberg was the revaluating of his studio into a suitable depository. The space is now provided with customized boxes that protect both paintings and drawings against climatic or human damage. By research into their material and technical properties, risks in their manipulation and transport are furthermore constantly estimated.

In addition to these preventive interventions the oeuvre of Vandenberg is conserved in an active way. In consultation with curator Kaat Sneiders priority interventions are made to prevent works from further degradation. She is helped in this by the extensive photographic database of the Foundation built in associaton with photographer Joke Floreal.

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Research OLD: Conferences
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Research OLD: Oral History