Grand bazar: Choix de Jean-Hubert Martin dans la collection Antoine de Galbert





Between June 27 and October 3, 2021, the group exhibition Grand Bazar took place in the Château d’Oiron in Oiron, France. At the invitation of the Centre des monuments nationaux, nearly 170 works from the Antoine de Galbert collection were selected by curator Jean-Hubert Martin to interact with the permanent collection of contemporary art Curios & Mirabilia. In the exhibition galleries, Antoine de Galbert’s collection unfolded according to its own themes, with an important place given to the eye, the face and its expressions, and wounds. Philippe Vandenberg was represented by the work Cyclus “La faim de l’âne, la fin de l’âme” (Cycle “The Hunger of the Donkey, The End of the Soul”).

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Philippe Vandenberg