Diptiek (Diptych)De weigering (The Rejection)No titleSchilderij (Painting)No titleNo titleNo titleNo titleNo titleNo titleNo titleNo titleNo titleNo titleNo titleNo titleSchilderij (Painting)Het offer en de val (The Sacrifice and the Fall)Schilderij (Painting)Zonder titel (Untitled)God is overal (God Is Everywhere)De breuk met het verleden II (The Break with the Past II)Zonder titel (Untitled)No titleNo titleNo titleNo titleNo titleNo titleNo titleNo titleNo titleNo titleNo titleNo titleKhadafyThe WalkerThe KissBone INo titleRed Blood and Good SeedArafat PaintingNo titleNo titleNo titleNo titleNo titleNo titleNo titleNo titleNo titleZ.T. (Untitled)HélèneDe profetieën, portret van Guillaume Vandenberghe (The Prophecies II, Portrait of Guillaume Vandenberghe)Portret van Marijke Verfaille (Portrait of Marijke Verfaille)Portret van Truus Kofflard (Portrait of Truus Kofflard)De ogen (The Eyes)De ogen (The Eyes)Z.T. (Untitled)Z.T. (Untitled)Z.T. (Untitled)Cœur blessé (Wounded Heart)No titleNo titleNo titleOver de berg loopt het spoor (The Track Runs over the Mountain)No titleNo titleHonte (Shame)No titleGrande noir II (Large Black II)No titleNo title (From the book De Lamentaties van het schip [The Lamentations of the Ship])No title (From the book De Lamentaties van het schip [The Lamentations of the Ship])No title (From the book De Lamentaties van het schip [The Lamentations of the Ship])No title (From the book De Lamentaties van het schip [The Lamentations of the Ship])No title (From the book De lamentaties van het schip [The Lamentations of the Ship])No title (From the book De lamentaties van het schip [The Lamentations of the Ship])No title (From the book De lamentaties van het schip [The Lamentations of the Ship])No title (From the book De Lamentaties van het schip [The Lamentations of the Ship])No title (From the book De lamentaties van het schip [The Lamentations of the Ship])No title (From the book De Lamentaties van het schip [The Lamentations of the Ship])La détresse c’est la tendresse des dieux (Distress Is the Tenderness of the Gods)Het zevende zegel II (The Seventh Seal II)No titleNo titleNo titleNo titleNo titleNo titleNo titleNo titleNo titleNo titleNo titleNo titleNo titleNo titleNo titleNo titleLa misère de jour II (The Misery of the Day)No titleZ.T.De graver (The Digger)Le paradis ne connaît pas d’ombre (Heaven Knows No Shade)No titleLa dualité est l’état pur (Duality is the pure state)Aimer c’est flageller (To Love Is to Flagellate II)La Paix (Les ânes se réchauffent, les personnes passent, la mer que l’on voit danser) (Peace [The Donkeys Warm Back Up, People Pass, One Sees the Sea Dancing])Cyclus “La faim de l’âne — la fin de l’âme” (Cycle “The Hunger of the Donkey”—The End of the Soul”)No title (From the book Tout se fait en attendant la M [Everything Can Be Done While Waiting for the M])No title (From the book Tout se fait en attendant la M [Everything Can Be Done While Waiting for the M])No title (From the book Tout se fait en attendant la M [Everything Can Be Done While Waiting for the M])No title (From the book Il pleut des bites [It’s Raining Penises])No title (From the book Il pleut des bites [It’s Raining Penises])No title (From the book Il pleut des bites [It’s Raining Penises])No title (From the book Il pleut des bites [It’s Raining Penises])No title (From the book Il pleut des bites [It’s Raining Penises])No title (De hondendragers [The Bearers of Dogs])No title (Scorpion with Lions)Studie voor een portret van Ulrike Meinhof (Study for a Portrait of Ulrike Meinhof)Studie voor een portret van Ulrike Meinhof (Study for a Portrait of Ulrike Meinhof)Studie voor een portret van Ulrike Meinhof (Study for a Portrait of Ulrike Meinhof)Portret van Antonin Artaud (Portrait of Antonin Artaud)Zelfportret met muilband (Self-Portrait with Muzzle)Zelfportret met muilband (Self-Portrait with Muzzle)La Muselière (The Muzzle)No titleLe jardin (The Garden)Mouche (Fly)In memoriam Ulrike Meinhof (In Memoriam Ulrike Meinhof)No titleLa doctrine II (The Doctrine II)D’après l’ennemi intérieur (After the Enemy Interior)No titleNo titleNo titleNo titleNo titleNo titleNo titleNo titleNo titleNo titleNo titleNo titleNo titleNo titleNo titleNo titleNo titleZonder titel (Untitled)C’est imporan le kammikaz (The Importance Is the Kamikaze)No titleL’important c’est le kamikaze (The Importance Is the Kamikaze)L’important c’est le kamikaze (The Importance Is the Kamikaze)L’important c’est le kamikaze (The Importance Is the Kamikaze)No titleNo titleNo title (La course de merdes dorées [The Golden Shit Contest])No titleNo titleNo titleNo titleNo title (L’homme misérable de douleur le connaït [It is Known by the Miserable Man of Sorrows])No titleNo titleNo titleNo titleNo titleNo titleNo titleNo titleNo titleNo titleNo titleNo titleNo titleNo titleNo titleNo titleNo titleNo titleNo titleNo titleNo titleNo titleNo title (Les chapeaux de Dieu) [God’s Hats])No titleNo titleLe départ (The Departure)No titleNo titleCyclus “Kill Them All” VII (Cycle “Kill Them All” VII)Kill Them AllNo titleNo titleNo titleNo titleNo titleNo titleNo titleNo titleNo titleNo title